Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Peru Food stuff.

This is glorious ceviche - raw fish marinated in lime juice. Here it's mostly obscured by the giant sweet potatoes though. I ate this everyday my last 5 days in the country.

Very typical lunch: fried fish, a little salad and potatoes. With an appetizer and a weird corn drink they give you will cost you about 3 bucks.

Making ice cream the old fashioned way. The steel pots are in tubs of ice, and they spin them around and add magic or something and ice cream comes out. Look, I'm not a scientist, ok? In Ayacucho.

Never got around to trying this one.

Chicken stall.

Fish stew, another delicious typical dish. Corn kernels are one of the sides. The waitresses at this restaurant (two sisters) asked me if I liked Peruvian girls, when I said yes, they high-fived one another. That was funny.

Guineau Pigs in the sack. And no, they don't keep them as pets. And yes, I tried it. Tastes like chicken, but really rich and fatty. Also cuter.

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