This Guy, I swear.
One of the strange things about global youth culture has been the creation of what I call "Backpacker Land" - where kids on gap year go to get drunk and have adventures in some place exotic, and in the process create a space that is basically the same everywhere.Here's some random facts about Backpacker Land:
In Backpacker Land...
- There's that one creepy 50-year-old dude who refuses all accomodation except mixed dorms.
- Tibetan Prayer Flags. Everywhere.
- You will sit in a hostel's basement watching 'The 300' with stoned Israelis.
- The same topaz bracelet is on sale on 5 continents.
- You will get a burn on your right inside calf.
- You will lose all interest in ever visiting Australia.
- You'll get too drunk to remember if you're in Thamel or Khoa San.
- You will lose money gambling on pool games with prostitutes.
- There are 238 cover bands that all play Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69".
- A Canadian will drone on about his "really authentic cultural experience".
- You will haggle with a street vendor over a 20 cent reduction in the price of a t-shirt.
- A horribly sun-burned girl from Essex named Gemma is getting her hair braided.
- You'll get Temple fatigue.
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